Real Food Split Pea and Ham Soup
Out of all the veggies in the world I strongly dislike peas. Naturally, I’m betrothed to a man who LOVES peas. I mean all out, get you in mah belly, I could eat three bowls each day LOVES peas. God has a sense of humor all right. Because I love my dear Stud Muffin, I make him Split Pea Soup, but I add ham because I love ham. Throw pork into a soup and I’m a happy girl. Throw peas into a soup and The Stud Muffin is a happy Man. Combine them, and you have two happy people eating a rather tasty bowl of soup, even though it does contain a pound…
Better than Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls
Today is my 1 year Blogiversary and I’m quite excited. It’s a big deal to make it through the first year of blogging and I’m seriously excited about what the next 12 months will bring to Real Food Girl: Unmodified. To thank all of you for putting up with me for an entire 365 days, I asked you over on my Facebook page if you’d rather have this recipe OR my split pea soup with ham recipe. Hands down this recipe won. But for those of you who asked for the soup, don’t worry. It will be on the blog later this week. I also have some fun surprises for the rest of…
Real Food Triple Citrus Bars
Nothing brightens your house like the smell of citrus and I’d had lemon bars on my mind for a few days and felt it was time to break out Old Blue and make something citrus-y. It had been a while since I’d made any type of dessert since the kitchen in the house we’re renting- A) depresses me, and, B) it has virtually no counter or storage space which makes the normally joyful, fun, therapeutic and exciting task of cooking, baking and recipe creating about as fun as having one of the Dementors from Harry Potter suck out your soul. I think I’m going to call my kitchen the Horcrux, as that…
Balsamic Roasted Tomatoes
Pure beauty. That’s what these tomatoes are. Pure-brilliant-beauty. I’m not a fan of raw tomatoes. Shocked? Yeah, most people are. It’s a textural thing. Goes right up there with mushrooms and peas. Put a dish in front of me with a few of these roasted, deep-red beauties and it’s another story all-together. I’ve been promising this recipe for close to a year now, and I’m truly sorry it has taken me so long to getting around to photographing these. My excuse is that we eat them after I make them and only after we’re rubbing our bellies and dabbing the corners of our mouths with our high-falutin’ paper napkins, would I realized I’d…
Real Food Girl Kitchen Tips: Have A Stock Pile
Today I’m going to teach you about my stock pile. No, I don’t mean the kind of stock pile some have in their basements that contains 87 deodorants, 33 cans of Aqua Net hairspray, 95 tubes of Crest, 14 bottles of Listerine, 112 Boxes of Uncle Ben’s Rice and 29 boxes of Froot-Loops cereal as a result of some recently developed mad coupon collecting skills. Although that kind of stockpile is very impressive, yet incredibly disturbing, that’s not what we’ll be chatting about today. What Is A Stock Pile? A stock pile is a lovely collection of each and every little carrot nub, parsley leaf, mushroom stem, carrot peel that you slice, every…
The Ignorance of Out of Touch Celebrities
This week something bad happened to one of my blogging friends. It wasn’t your typical something bad, such as a minor fender bender, or a bad jean day, or she broke a toe tripping over a toy in her living room. No. This something bad happened to be broadcast on daytime television with hundreds of thousands (if not more) people watching. What makes it worse is that no compassion or understanding was extended to my friend. Just judgement, ignorance and cruelty. Woman being mean and cutting each other down. I’m talking about my blogging friend Jacquelyn Byers of Little Owl Crunchy Mama and her “No Poo” post that went viral- online and on…
Creamy Parmesan Garlic Linguine
Pasta. We love our pasta here Casa de Stud Muffin y Real Food Girl. I’m sure it has everything to do with the fact that The Stud Muffin is Italian. He’s also someone who does well on carbs. Me, not so much, so I load up with fat and protein in this dish with copious amounts of aged Parmesan and organic cream. Typically, I’ll make this pasta as a side dish with a Ribeye steak or some grilled shrimp. Holy sadness, Batman!! I just realized I don’t have a grilled shrimp recipe or a steak recipe on this blog. Geesh-and I call myself a Chef. I’d better get on that before they take…
Skillet Chicken with Mushroom and Onion Cream Sauce
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Wanna know something funny? I don’t like mushrooms. Well, I do, but I won’t eat them. That’s not entirely true either. I’ll eat some of them as long as something else goes on the fork with the mushroom because it’s a textural thing and when I bite into one it makes my teeth squeak. Mushrooms creep me out. Well, they creep out my teeth. It’s the same thing with peas. I can’t eat peas. My teeth don’t like them. I can see all of you looking at me with one eyebrow raised and thinking “This chick is weeeeird!” Perhaps, but I do love the flavor they impart so…