Real Food Realities
Hello Food Hippies!
Today I want to share with you, two posts written by two different bloggers.
The first post is titled Dear Mom Who Can’t Afford Organic Food. This article was written by Erin over at The Humbled Homemaker. If you read this post and still manage to walk away with your Judgey McJudgey pants on, then you don’t ‘get it’. You simply don’t ‘get it’.
The second post, authored by blogger Beth over at Red and Honey is titled Dear Middle Class America: I Have a Bone to Pick With You. This post hit me harder than the first only because after reflecting on some of the things I have shared on my Facebook Page and some of the things I write about, I know that my words could be interpreted in such a way to where I cam across as callous, elitist, and snobbish. I knew that I unintentionally came across from time to time as a brat who had all the answers about what to do to be able to afford organic foods.
As is always the case, when you have a little pride in your life, God does His level best to bring you back down to Earth. And moving us 1250 miles from the Twin Cities where organic food and affordable Co Ops and Farmers’ Markets were in abundance, to South Carolina where Organic is a newer term down here and price gouging on those foods is still heavily in effect has humbled me and has also shown us that it isn’t as easy to eat healthy like I thought it was. And not only do I have to drive farther to get the food, I have to pay more. The old adage walk a mile in someone else’s shoes comes to mind here. This journey has led us to a place where because of finances and cost of organic foods, I’ve had to break my own Real Food Rules, and I’ve had to buy non-Organic on many occasions and I’m sorta sick about it. I now ‘get it’.
These posts made me think long and hard. I challenge you to read them both. They aren’t long and are very eye opening to what your family members, neighbors or favorite blogger may be going through. These posts convicted me. They upset me, in that I was angered that wholesome food costs more than junk food and that junk food, and highly processed foods are more readily available and priced so low that if you are on a meager budget, there is almost no way to break into Real Foods, much less organic versions of those foods. It upset me that grass-fed organic meats are out of reach to some and instead beans, lentils and soup are all they can afford to eat. In short. I walked away from these posts with a very heavy heart and feeling convicted that I didn’t fully appreciate all I had available to our family and a bit ashamed that I so ignorantly assumed that others had the same resources to food that I did in the Twin Cities. I’m sorry!
A group of fellow bloggers and I decided we wanted to do something about this. Create more awareness AND show support for families who experience exactly what these bloggers shared. We’re going to cut our grocery budgets dramatically and you’ll get to see different sized families from different regions of the US with different budgets. We’re going to do this journey for 3-months and share updates via our blogs weekly. We’ll even have a place where you can see all the posts from each of our blogs in one spot, and we’ll have a FB page. More on that later.
Until then, I’d love to hear from you about your monthly food budget and is it hard or difficult to find non-GMO or Organic foods in your area? If you have anything to add to this or know of any other blogger’s who talk about this subject share all that info in the comment section below.
Can’t wait to bring you guys along for this journey!
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