• Real Food Girl defends a fellow bloggers decision to not use shampoo
    Lifestyle,  Miscellaneous

    The Ignorance of Out of Touch Celebrities

    This week something bad happened to one of my blogging friends. It wasn’t your typical something bad, such as a minor fender bender, or a bad jean day, or she broke a toe tripping over a toy in her living room.  No. This something bad happened to be broadcast on daytime television with hundreds of thousands (if not more) people watching.  What makes it worse is that no compassion or understanding was extended to my friend. Just judgement, ignorance and cruelty.  Woman being mean and cutting each other down.  I’m talking about my blogging friend Jacquelyn Byers of Little Owl Crunchy Mama and her “No Poo” post that went viral- online and on…

  • My thoughts on processed foods and Real Food "Rules" | Real Food Girl: Unmodified

    My Thoughts on Processed Foods

    When I first started learning about real food, I only found a handful of Real Food blogs out there.  I’m sure there were many more, but I only Google’d “Real Food”.  The first blog that came up was 100 Days of Real Food.  So I read her blog for hours and absorbed as much information as I possibly could. One thing I liked about Lisa’s blog was that she bought packaged foods from discount big box stores and she also purchased the store brands.  To me at least, this made her not only real, but relatable.  This was important to me as I was brand new to the Real Food way of eating. …

  • Top 13 Posts of 2013 By Real Food Girl: Unmodified. Pin Now, View Later

    Top 13 Real Food Girl Posts of 2013!

    Why the top 13 versus the top 10?  Because I like to live on the edge my friends. It’s how I roll.  Also, since we’re going out with ’13, why not pick the top 13 posts that you guys, my fellow Food Hippies liked the most?  Seemed logical to me, so let’s begin with what you guys found the most helpful, interesting, awesome, fabulous and spectacular.  Uh, yeah.  My ego hasn’t been affected by this at ALL.  Nope.  Not.One.Teensy.Bit. In all seriousness, I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you who take time out of your day to stop by and see what craziness I’m up to.  Your compliments, support…

  • Real Food Girl January Instragam Challenge

    January Instagram Challenge #myclean2014

    Starting tomorrow, January 1 2014, I will be co-hosting a mini Instagram challenge. Won’t you join in the fun, too!? This challenge runs for only 15 days and will be such a neat way to meet new people on Instagram, challenge yourself to stay focused on your freshly set goals for the new year, and have lots of fun in the process. Every day you’ll post a picture on Instagram using the themes listed below. Just make sure that you tag #myclean2014 and @realfoodgirl so we can all see what you post.     How to Participate Follow @RealFoodGirl on Instagram Take a daily picture using the themes below, tagging #myclean2014 , and @RealFoodGirl…

  • Miscellaneous

    Real Food Girl Podcast Interview

    I had my very first interview several weeks ago.  It. Was. A. Blast!  Seriously.  I have no idea why I was so nervous. I’ve turned down no fewer than 7 interviews in the past 9 months and 3 of them were with people who had small radio shows.  Yeah, I’m a fool.  I’m still shaking my head over how silly I was to not jump at the chance to have hundreds upon hundreds hear what Bio Identical  Hormone Replacement Therpy has done to my voice. Ha! Heather Ingersoll the brains behind Easy Healthy Bread also runs a Real Food Journey podcast series and I was blessed enough to be chosen for an interview. …

  • Miscellaneous

    Thanks For the ‘Love’ Giveaway

    Congratulations to Kris K.  She won the Redmond Clay products!  Thank you to all who entered. I will be doing another giveaway soon! THANK-You for participating! This Giveaway is now CLOSED.  I will be choosing the winner (via Rafflecopter) and I’ll send an email to that person shortly.  Keep an eye on your email inbox my friends.  You will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.   It’s that time again Food Hippies!  The time where I thank you for being the fantastic, fabulous, wonderful readers and followers that you are, by having a Giveaway! I shared in my Redmond Trading Company Goodie Box post that once you guys…

  • Real Food Pork Fried Rice by Real Food Girl: Unmodified Quick and Easy, Gotta try!!

    Real Food Pork Fried Rice

    I had a strange day today schedule wise.  Because of that, I had dinner at 2:00 in the afternoon, so at about 9:00 pm tonight, I heard my tummy growl a bit.  I made a huge pork roast on Tuesday night and The Stud Muffin and I have been eating that for the last 4 nights.  You can get several meals per roast which makes large roasts one of my more favorite things to buy, despite the initial sticker shock.  I live about 4 miles from a quaint little red farmhouse that serves as the retail store for a local pig farm.  So when I have a hankering for a nice roast, I…

  • Real Food Girl takes a trip to Trader Joe's!!

    A Trip to Trader Joe’s

    We shop at Trader Joe’s.  I almost feel like I need to duck and take cover from the barrage of rotten fruit that will no doubt be thrown at me for admitting that.  Why?  Well, Trader Joe’s has been getting some rough press amongst some of the Real Food Blogging Elite recently.  I have to say I’m a little tired of all the bashing.  There isn’t ONE perfect grocery store out there, yet because a grocer carries a wide selection of organic and Non-GMO foods, suddenly they’re expected to be perfect.  Who came up with that rule?  Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a *perfect* grocery store, but until then, I’ll make due…