Conquering Milk Kefir
I did it! I really did it! I seriously have no idea what I was so afraid of. Making milk Kefir was probably one of the easiest things I’ve ever done in the kitchen. If you can pour milk, you can make Kefir! In fact, you could do this with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back. Yeah, you’d make a mess but who doesn’t enjoy a good mess in the kitchen? A fellow food blogger was nice enough to mail me some Kefir grains. When they arrived in the mail I freaked out, and tossed them in the fridge. Admittedly I have no idea when I was planning on…
Real Food Girl Presents: The Aliso Kitchen
Happy Monday Food Hippies! I hope you guys had a spectacular weekend and you’re all rested up ready to take on the adventures of a new week! Today marks the last guest post for a while here at Real Food Girl: Unmodified. I believe I’m feeling well enough to manage posting at least 3 times per week myself. I wanted to extend another gracious Thank-You to all the Food Bloggers that stepped up to help me out when I became ill. Your kindness and willingness to help truly blessed me and I know the Food Hippies got some great recipes and learned some new things from all of you! Thank you. You ladies…
Real Food Strawberry Lemonade
Earlier in the week we had the heat on. I was even wearing long sleeves to bed. Over an 18-hour period we went from the low 40s to 99 degrees. Talk about insanity. That heat wave got me to thinking that it’s just about lemonade season and if it’s one thing you need to know about me, besides the fact that I believe that bacon is the answer to every question, it’s that I looove lemons. This means I love lemonade. I can’t get enough of the stuff. Each summer before I started learning about GMOs and Real Food I used to buy several containers of Minute Maid frozen concentrated lemonade. That stuff…
Real Food Electrolyte Drink
Today I thought I’d put on my Scientist Girl Hat (and my Mechanic Girl Hat) and share with you some information about electrolytes. One of the symptoms of the Hypercalcemia that I’m dealing with is that my electrolytes are all out of whack. Additionally a result of the abnormal parathyroid hormone levels in my blood, my body isn’t able to regulate its electrical system at all- which causes extra stress on a person’s heart, kidney’s and pancreas. Your parathyroid glands control and help regulate your body’s electrical system so when those aren’t functioning properly, you can imagine how off-kilter things become. Think of it like this. Your car needs motor oil for the…
Outta the Park BBQ Pulled Chicken… GMO-Free
A few months ago I was introduced to Beth, one of the owners of Outta the Park BBQ Sauce. I’d been commenting on my Facebook Page about how difficult it had been for TSM (The Stud Muffin) and I to find good tasting, organic condiments. We’d wasted close to a hundred dollars trying to find salad dressings we liked. I know, I know…I should make my own, but TSM and I don’t like the same types of dressings and I’ve never found a dressing that is comparable to that HFCS laden Western brand French dressing. But I digress. As I lamented about all the money we’d wasted trying to find decent tasting…
GMOs for Newbies- What You Need To Know
GMOs for Newbies Unless you’ve been hiding under a bush–not that there’s anything wrong with that, some days I’d prefer camping out under a bush–you’ve been hearing a lot about GMOs lately. GMOs are in the news, online, all over your Facebook news feed and most likely they’re a topic of discussion on most Health & Wellness and Food Blogs that you follow, and, with good reason. You may wonder why this topic seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and you might also wonder why it is gaining such momentum. What’s the deal with GMOs? WHAT EXACTLY ARE GMOs? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. It can also be referred…
Real Food Girl Presents: Juggling Real Food and Real Life
Good Morning Food Hippies!! You’ve asked for quick, easy meal ideas because y’all are busy, busy, on-the-go people with munchkins, jobs, and well, a life! Today’s Guest Post is from Christina at Juggling Real Food and Real Life. You are not only going to love her easy, almost effortless breakfast recipe, but you’re going to love her blog. I hope you stop by and pay her a visit after reading her recipe. She has some great resources over there and you won’t be sorry that you’ve taken the time to trek over there. I mean really- it’s just a few clicks of your mouse and you can count it as your morning…
Real Food Girl Presents: From Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts
Hiya my Food Hippies! Today I’m featuring another guest blogger and this recipe comes just in time for you to start planning what you’re going to make for your Memorial Day cook-out. It’s coming up you know. A recipe for a Mexican Bean Salad comes to us from Kris over at From Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts. A big shout out to all of you Real Food Girl: Unmodified readers! I am Kris from Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts, and I am SO very excited to be over here on Real Food Girl: Unmodified with all of you! A little bit about myself: I am a former city girl, actually from same area as…