• GMO-Free/Organic Onion-Bacon "Jam". You'll eat most of it from the pan before it's done! |Real Food Girl: Unmodified

    Onion Bacon ‘Jam’ (Organic/GMO-Free)

    I have a serious foodie crush on bacon.  It’s worse than the combined crushes I had on Shawn Cassidy, Scott Baio and Andy Gibb as a teen! We’re talking about an incurable, deep, intense crush for all things bacon.  If bacon was a person, I’d be arrested for stalking it and creating a bacon photo collage on the wall of my seedy, low rent apartment complete with an alter, paying homage to all things bacon- just like those psycho ax murderers do on all those criminal cop shows.   Yup. I’ve got it baad! I love bacon so much that any bacon related clip art, or comic or poem or interesting food invention using…

  • Veal, Pork and Ground Beef Meatballs from Real Food Girl. This is as authentic as it gets folks! If you want great meatballs, this is THE recipe!
    Freezer Meals,  Side Dishes

    Meatballs with Beef, Pork and Veal

    Welcome to the new blog site everyone!  Are you as excited to be here as I am to have you here?  I hope so!  Are you ‘CRAZY excited’, as my 8-year-old niece would say?   Imagine my surprise when after importing all the posts from my Blogger site I realized that I’ve shared my “Gravy”/Marinara sauce recipe, and a quick tomato meat sauce/ragu recipe and a basic white sauce recipe but I never shared my meatball recipe?  What is wrong with me?  Um, don’t answer that please… Please accept my most genuine apology for taking so long to post my meatball recipe.   I should probably remember to take my memory supplements more often.   I…

  • Organic, pastured chicken baked with rice and homemade, GF Cream of Chicken soup! GMO-Free easy chicken dinners!
    Chicken,  Grains, Rice, Pasta

    Lazy Baked Chicken and Rice

      Yesterday I shared my “Mmmm Better” Cream of Chicken Soup recipe.  I explained that I had zero motivation to make dinner and that chicken and rice baked together sounded quick and yummy.  I just wanted to throw a few ingredients into a casserole dish, place it in the oven, and within 45 minutes have a hot, tasty, filling meal emerge.  Regrettably my dreams of that meal were dashed when I realized I didn’t have any “Mmm” substitutes on hand on account of the fact I don’t use  cream of rubbish soups from a can.  Nope. I don’t.  And I am pretty sure I explained that ad nauseam in yesterday’s post and in…

  • GF and GMO-Free cream of chicken soup! You'll never use that slop in a can again! | Real Food Girl: Unmodified
    Gluten Free

    “Mmm Better” Cream of Chicken Soup

     There is something to be said for making your own cream soups for cooking.  Anyone can open a can of condensed cream of ‘something’ soup.  The canned version is quick and easy, but no one, and I mean no one needs that much sodium, MSG, or HFCS- I’m sorry, but what the heck is high fructose corn syrup doing in soup?  I mean c’mon!  I’ve probably made close to 2 dozen different kinds of soups in my lifetime and not one ever called for sugar, corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. Not one. Ever. So what the heck is it doing in canned soups?  The other ingredients found in these “Mmm Mmm”…

  • Breakfast,  Grains, Rice, Pasta

    Food Hippie Granola

      I love granola.  My mom used to buy the Heartland brand of granola (cereal) when we were kids.  I remember it had very plump raisins and the trick was to hurry up and eat it as quickly as you could before it sucked up all your milk.  It’s been a long time since I’ve had a bowl of that granola.  I actually thought the company went out of business years ago because boxes of Quaker, Sunbelt and Kellogg’s granola monopolized every cereal shelf in every grocery store where I shopped.   Then one day, whilst perusing the ‘take out a second mortgage to shop here’ aisles, I noticed that Heartland was still making granola…

  • Miscellaneous

    It’s a Real Food Girl: Unmodified Giveaway!

      This Giveaway is now closed.  Thank you to all who participated! Keep an eye out for the next Real Food Girl giveaway! It’s the FIRST ever Real Food Girl: Unmodified Give-Away! I feel like there should be some parade music in the background. Don’t you? Scratch that. I Googled parade music, and didn’t like any of it. In February I relaunched my blog with a fancy new look and my own domain. I thought it was time to celebrate that and the amazing growth that’s occurred over on the Real Food Girl: Unmodified Facebook page! I say we “Do a little dance, make a little cake, and get down tonight, get down…