• GMO-Free/Organic Onion-Bacon "Jam". You'll eat most of it from the pan before it's done! |Real Food Girl: Unmodified

    Onion Bacon ‘Jam’ (Organic/GMO-Free)

    I have a serious foodie crush on bacon.  It’s worse than the combined crushes I had on Shawn Cassidy, Scott Baio and Andy Gibb as a teen! We’re talking about an incurable, deep, intense crush for all things bacon.  If bacon was a person, I’d be arrested for stalking it and creating a bacon photo collage on the wall of my seedy, low rent apartment complete with an alter, paying homage to all things bacon- just like those psycho ax murderers do on all those criminal cop shows.   Yup. I’ve got it baad! I love bacon so much that any bacon related clip art, or comic or poem or interesting food invention using…