• Delicious roasted red pepper hummus with homemade pita chips. Easy and affordable. You'll never buy store bought again! @Real Food Girl: Unmodified
    Appetizers,  Snacks,  Vegetarian

    Roasted Red Pepper Hummus & Parmesan Herb Pita Chips

    I think I missed my calling as Weird Al Yankovic’s side kick.  I know I only have like 3 seconds to capture a reader’s attention, and thought that a fun song about Chickpeas set to the famous BeeGee’s tune “You Should Be Dancin'” was a great way to do just that. And because now you’re all totally curious what a song about Garbanzo/Chickpeas would sound like and about how I might manage to slaughter a perfectly good BeeGees tune, I bring you my song: “You Should Really Make Some Hummus”… Here is a little video to get the right tune in your head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaXdTe2TYhs “You Should Really Make Some Hummus” By: Real Food…

  • GMO-Free Tasty Taco Salad. Super flavorful taco meat made with organic grass fed beef, and fresh veggies! Perfect weeknight meal. Real Food Girl: Unmodified

    Tasty Taco Salads

    Just as I promised you in the Holy Guacamole post the other day, here is my taco salad recipe!  Hopefully you’re excited, because I am.  Just writing the post for this recipe has me in the mood for one.  This really was a tasty taco salad.  Bookmark this recipe, and click on the envelope to your left and email this recipe to your inbox and to some friends.  You’ll be glad you did, and your friends will thank you, too! Do you know what else makes this recipe special?  The fact that I’m posting this on The Stud Muffin and my 17th wedding anniversary.  Actually, we were married on Leap Day, so we…